There are architectural traces of Cistercian monks in Cuneo that lead to Revello, near Saluzzo. The alternation of red brick and grey stone characterizes the Abbey of Staffarda (12th century) with refined elements of transition to Gothic and extraordinary acoustics. In Maira Valley, among the woods of Villar San Costanzo al Monte (Borgo San Dalmazzo) you can visit the Abbey (8th century) and the Church of San Costanzo al Monte (started in the 12th century) a rare model of two-storey church superimposed with important frescoes (10 and 11th century) unearthed in 2018. You can also visit the abbey complex of San Dalmazzo da Pedona in Borgo San Dalmazzo (8th century) with the adjacent Museum and the archeological area. The church of Santa Maria del Monastero is charming in simplicity: it is the first place of Christian worship in Manta and, among the most ancient Romanesque vestiges in Piedmont. In Busca, the pre-Romanesque façade of the church of San Martino, and the surrounding archeological area, recalls the dissemination of Christianity in the area from the 4 and 5th century. In Breolungi, the parish church of Santa Maria di Bredolo (original name of the village) was the ancient heart of the community and was built between the 8 and the 9th century, just outside Mondovì.