UNESCO Grand Cycling Tour

An amazing 600-kilometre ring to be discovered slowly, amidst artistic and natural masterpieces.

Piedmont has an astonishing environment. An "enormous park" stretching from Monviso to Monte Rosa with views over Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta, rich in natural, cultural and historical-artistic elements of the UNESCO heritage that outline a world to be discovered slowly, on foot and by bicycle along dirt roads, riverbanks and canals. A 600-kilometre ring that passes through World Heritage royal palaces and landscapes, the Man and the Biosphere Reserves, Creative Cities and Geoparks.


 Leaving from Turin - or reaching the route by train from the Ivrea, Biella, Santhià, Vercelli, Casale Monferrato, Asti, Alba, Bra, Racconigi, Savigliano, Piscina, Avigliana railway stations - it is possible to discover 22 UNESCO sites in Piedmont, encountering routes that cross cities, villages and historically and artistically important places. From the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy to the Langhe, Roero and Monferrato Winegrowing Landscapes; from the Sacri Monti (Sacred Mountains) to the Creative Cities of Turin, Alba and Biella, to the pile-dwelling Sites of Viverone and Azeglio, to Ivrea, Industrial City of the 20th century, to the MAB Ticino Val Grande Verbano, Monviso, Colline Po and Sesia Val Grande Geopark Reserves: a heritage where nature, history and architecture harmoniously merge to create an extraordinarily varied, beautiful and valuable landscape.


The "Grand Tour through Piedmont's UNESCO sites by bicycle" is a territorial enhancement project by VisitPiemonte - Regional Marketing and Promotion at the request of Regione Piemonte and Unioncamere Piemonte, conceived and developed by Andrea Rolando - Osservatorio E-Scapes, Polytechnic University of Milan.