The Romanesque Langa

In the Langhe area, the Romanic tour starts from the Cattedrale di San Lorenzo in Alba and from the annexed Museum with the archaeological trail (hosted in underground premises), the crypt of San Pietro and Sala dello Stemma, the hall of lapidary. Among rows of vineyards and orchards, the fortified village of Cortemilia stands out with the austere sandstone masonry of the parish church of Santa Maria (12th century), while on the ridge between Bormida Valley and the stream Uzzone, you can see the church of San Sebastiano (12th century) that was built to protect from the plague Bergolo, the stone village where once the “Salt Roads” crossed the “Sea Roads”. On the ancient Via Langarum, that led to Ligurian territory, the parish church of San Frontiniano, in the village of Arguello, is already mentioned in the 10th century as a Benedictine foundation. In Levice, the little church of San Rocco built in the 12th century, is an ancient place of rest and prayer in one of the most important high-medieval routes.